LICE 2020 Conference Papers Index
Front Cover
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 2
Message from the Steering Committee Chair
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 3-4
Contents Page
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 5-8
Executive Committees
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 9-10
Speakers' Sessions (Part I)
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 11
Speakers’ Session 1
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 12
Speaker's Session 1
Speaker: Ismini Vasileiou
Title: A Global Crisis Transforming Teaching from Didactic to Online Overnight
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 13
Speaker's Session 2
Speakers: Valentina Conty, Nina Langen
Title: Co-Labs – An Approach to Professionalize Vocational Education Teachers
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 14-15
Speaker's Session 3
Speakers: Jennifer T. Stephens, Laura M. Pipe
Title: Title: Teaching TALL: Developing Critical Consciousness in Teaching and Learning
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 16-17
Speaker's Session 4
Speaker: Paula F. Jordan
Title: The Implementation and Application of Best Practices for Online Teaching
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 18-21
Speaker's Session 5
Speakers: M. Kathleen L. Cripe, Kenneth L. Miller, Crystal Ratican, Susan M. Miller
Title: Interpreting Results from Research Study of Urban Schools to Inform Program Changes
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 22-23
Speakers' Sessions (Part II)
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 24
Speaker's Session 6
Speakers: Mir Afzal Tajik, Duishon Shamatov, Lyudmila Fillipova
Title: Quality and Equity Issues in Kazakhstani Rural Schools
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 25-29
Speaker's Session 7
Speaker: Mika Leon-Beck
Title: The School Yard as an Educational Opportunity – Introducing a Practical Course for Pre-Service Primary School Teachers
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 30
Speaker's Session 8
Speaker: Tongpil Min
Title: Goal-oriented Teaching Method – The Way of Maintaining the Quality of Education for Both Online and F2F
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 31
Speaker's Session 9
Speaker: Chloe Keegan
Title: “Batman Can’t Wear a Skirt - He’s a Boy!” - An Investigation into how Children’s Drawings are Influenced by Gender, Race and Sexuality Stereotyping Presented in Superhero Media
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 32
Speaker's Session 10
Speakers: Pam Epler, Twyla Williams-Damond
Title: Adjusting to CoVid 19
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 33
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 34
Workshop 1
Title: Learn to Publish with the Greatest of Ease
Organiser: Barba A. Patton
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 35
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 36
Session 1: Pedagogy and Psychology
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 37
Title: Social Representations on the Concept of Formation of Higher Education Teachers in México
Author: Elí Orlando Lozano González
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 38-43
Title: A Challenge for Engineering Students in the Context of the Industry 4.0
Authors: Pascal Vrignat, Estelle Courtial
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 44-49
Title: A Review on the Use of Writing Outlines as Part of Study Habits to Increase Academic Performance of the Students
Author: Shara May T. Espinol
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 50-52
Title: A Triadic Model of Regulated Learning Perspectives
Author: Eman Faisal
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 53-54
Session 2: Inclusive Education and Practices
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 55
Title: Role Stress in Adolescents: Differences in Terms of Gender and Employment Status of Mothers
Author: Ajit Kaur
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 56-60
Title: Training Part C Early Intervention Providers to Screen for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Authors: Darby Batchelor, Trisha L. Self, Douglas F. Parham
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 61-64
Title: The Impact of Implementing Words Their Way with an Adolescent Who Uses AAC: A Case Study
Authors: Megan Stein, Karissa Marble-Flint, Holli Steiner, Ashly Elliott
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 65-68
Title: Implementing the Stickwriting Approach: A Case Study of Two Children with Social Communication Challenges
Authors: Ana Astoquilca, Karissa Marble-Flint
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 69-73
Session 3: Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 74
Title: The Relevance of Using Games for Teaching Figures of Speech in English Language Teaching Class
Authors: Abhipriya Roy, Sumanjari S.
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 75-78
Title: Group-based Assessments in Project Management Higher Education
Authors: Roksana Jahan Tumpa, Samer Skaik, Ghulam Chaudhry, Miriam Ham
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 79-85
Title: Useful Activities for Increasing Awareness in Teacher Education on Satoyama Environmental Learning Using BL
Authors: Isao Miyaji, Hirokazu Fukui
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 86-91
Session 4: Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Teacher Education
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 92
Title: Metamemories: An Auto-Ethnographic Inquiry of Transformed Memories of Schooling
Author: James A. Bernauer
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 93-101
Title: The Missing Pieces of Nurturing Students’ Needs in Doctoral STEM Mentoring Relationships
Authors: Anna Sanczyk, Lisa Merriweather, Niesha Douglas, Cathy Howell
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 102-106
Title: Teacher Training in the Use and Educational Appropriation of Learning Objects Based on Critical Pedagogy in Education
Author: Alfonso Claret Zambrano
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 107-111
Session 5: Global Issues in Education and Research
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 112
Title: Healthcare Informatics Technology: A Tool to Improve Rural Healthcare Literacy
Authors: Alexis Bain, Emily Reeves, Alistair Fyfe
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 113-119
Title: Contradicting Learning Environments between Rural and Urban: The case of Malawi
Author: Albert K. M. Y. Kayange
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 120-127
Title: Latent Class Analysis
Author: Diana Mindrila
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 128-134
Session 6: Cross-disciplinary Areas in Education
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 135
Title: Dialogue and Saudi Tradition: An Empirical Case Study of Religious Education at a Saudi University
Author: Adel Abubaker Bawazeer
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 136
Title: Critical Theory, Fascism and the 2016 Trump Campaign
Author: James Curiel
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 137-140
Title: Promoting health and well-being of immigrants in Europe. The Perspective of Human Development and the Capabilities Approach
Authors: Gallelli Rosa, Renna Pasquale
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 141-142
Session 7: Cross-disciplinary Areas in Education
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 143
Title: Critical Reflection and Professional Development: Insights from an Educators’ Community of Practice
Authors: Devi Akella, Anna Gibbs, Belinda Gilbert, Brandon Henry, Valerie Lee, Daphine Mathis, Victor Williams
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 144-150
Title: Higher Education Academic Resilience: The HDR Process – Hurdles, Successes and Opportunities
Author: Marie B. Fisher
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 151-155
Title: Equity Conjectures in a Computer-Science Problem-Solving Focused Collaboration
Authors: Kimberley Gomez, Ung-Sang Lee, Amy Berkhoudt Woodman
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 156-157
Title: How to Achieve a Constructive Alignment in a Curriculum Underpinned by Conflicting Education Aims
Author: Elaine Aaltonen
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)
Year: 2020
Page(s): 158-163