
Technology introduced gadgets such as computers, laptops, and mobile phones to help people in their tasks. For the students, these things had been replacing the use of notebooks and other writing materials in the past decades. There had been conflicting pieces of evidence however about how it affects the learners' attitude and perception of the learning process. This research was conducted to review if making outlines is still a great way to help students learn or should all students just rely on their gadgets. The results showed that there is no significant difference in the academic performance of the students who were required to outline compared to those who did not outline. However, data revealed that students perceived that they can do better and perform better in class when making outlines. The extraneous variables at play in this field study may be the reason for the results obtained. This goes to show that there is still a need to review teaching pedagogies and classroom management techniques to incorporate study habits which are effective based on the needs of the students.

Published in: London International Conference on Education (LICE-2020)

  • Date of Conference: 23-25 November 2020
  • DOI: 10.20533/LICE.2020.0014
  • ISBN: 978-1-913572-22-8
  • Conference Location: London, UK