Dear Infonomics Society Member,

I have recently been appointed as the President of the Infonomics Society, a position I have accepted with great honor.
Since my first attendance at the international conference hosted by the Infonomics Society in 2011, I have been constantly involved in the Society, presenting with students, presenting by myself, and submitting papers to the journals.
It gives me great pleasure to preside over a society so dear to my heart.

The Infonomics Society is a place for communication. My activities in the Society have led to meetings with different researchers. Our goal as Society members is to foster networking among researchers, promote understanding of the research interests of others, and engage in activities leading to new research themes and collaborative research. Society activities are enabled through the cooperation of different people. Successful running of the Society requires the cooperation of everyone involved in paper review and conference management. I would like to request your continuous cooperation and, as the President, I will strive to maintain a cooperation-worthy Society.

If you have not yet presented at an international conference or submitted a paper to a journal, please give it a try. The experience gained by writing a paper will certainly enhance your research career. Whether or not your research topic is suitable for presenting at any international conference or publishing in a journal, you are welcome to participate. In any case, the comments you receive will be valuable for your research.

We also welcome your opinions and suggestions for the Society. Let us work together. Together we can make a difference!

All the Best,

Dr Ayahiko Niimi
January, 2024