Chapter 3

Higher Education Faculty: What Motivates Them?

The Chapter Three is based on case study that investigates the motivations of higher education faculty in a doctoral-granting US medium-sized university. Specific areas of inquiry relate to teaching and scholarly inquiry. This study is based on nine in-depth interviews with faculty members both across academic disciplines and years of experience. In order to promote transferability (the analogue of external validity/generalizability under the quantitative paradigm), both the organization and the context were described so that readers can perhaps discern to what extent findings may apply to their own.

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Higher Education Faculty: What Motivates Them?

The Chapter Three is based on case study that investigates the motivations of higher education faculty in a doctoral-granting US medium-sized university. Specific areas of inquiry relate to teaching and scholarly inquiry. This study is based on nine in-depth interviews with faculty members both across academic disciplines and years of experience. In order to promote transferability (the analogue of external validity/generalizability under the quantitative paradigm), both the organization and the context were described so that readers can perhaps discern to what extent findings may apply to their own.

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Additional information


Chapter 3


Professor James Bernauer, Robert Morris University, USA

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