Chapter 1

An Aristotelian appeal to preserving academic freedom

The Chapter One explores the following discourses: the anatomy of a persuasive argument,  academic freedom is long established and necessary for academic work to continue, academic freedom has survived many threats (past and current) and three appeals were made to the reader’s ethos, pathos, and logos on preserving academic freedom since it is necessary. Establishing and committing to academic freedom is credible (ethos), joyous (pathos), and rationale (logos).  Academics will need to continue formulating arguments to combat the threats to academic freedom and if those arguments can be grounded in Aristotle’s appeals to persuasion than they might be successful at gaining the publics’ support and advocacy for preserving academic freedoms.

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An Aristotelian appeal to preserving academic freedom

The Chapter One explores the following discourses: the anatomy of a persuasive argument,  academic freedom is long established and necessary for academic work to continue, academic freedom has survived many threats (past and current) and three appeals were made to the reader’s ethos, pathos, and logos on preserving academic freedom since it is necessary. Establishing and committing to academic freedom is credible (ethos), joyous (pathos), and rationale (logos).  Academics will need to continue formulating arguments to combat the threats to academic freedom and if those arguments can be grounded in Aristotle’s appeals to persuasion than they might be successful at gaining the publics’ support and advocacy for preserving academic freedoms.

Chapter 1

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Additional information


Chapter 1


Dr Brett J. Holt, University of Vermont, USA

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