Chapter 4

Assessing Factors Influencing the Usage of Debit Cards on Retail Payments: A Case Study of Dar es Salaam City – Tanzania

The Chapter Four assesses the factors influencing usage of debit cards on retail payments a case of Dar es Salaam city. In order to achieve the general objective of the study, the specific objectives had to be formulated which included to identify factors influencing the usage of debit cards on retail payments, to examine the extent to which these factors could affect the influence of using debit cards on retail payments and lastly, to propose a research model showing the factors influencing the usage of debit cards on retail payments. In response to specific objective 1, the study addressed specific objective by first developing several hypotheses with the help of theoretical modal of UTAUT2 which was then tested. The results showed that among nine proposed factors, only seven factors were found significant enough to influence consumers’ behavioural intention towards usage of debit card in retail payments and consumer’s actual usage of debit cards in retail payments, the factors are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, price value, habit and perceived trust which were found to influence consumer’s behavioural intention towards debit card usage on retail payments while habit and behavioural intention were found to influence consumer’s towards the actual usage of debit card on retail payments. In response to specific objective 2, the factors were analysed by statistical tool SPSS by using multiple linear regression, habit was found to have the most predictive power in influencing consumers’ behavioural intention towards the usage of debit cards in retail payments followed by perceived trust, effort expectancy, performance expectancy and price value. Also, habit and behaviour intention were found to have high predictive power on the actual usage of debit cards on retail payments.


Assessing Factors Influencing the Usage of Debit Cards on Retail Payments: A Case Study of Dar es Salaam City – Tanzania

The Chapter Four assesses the factors influencing usage of debit cards on retail payments a case of Dar es Salaam city. In order to achieve the general objective of the study, the specific objectives had to be formulated which included to identify factors influencing the usage of debit cards on retail payments, to examine the extent to which these factors could affect the influence of using debit cards on retail payments and lastly, to propose a research model showing the factors influencing the usage of debit cards on retail payments. In response to specific objective 1, the study addressed specific objective by first developing several hypotheses with the help of theoretical modal of UTAUT2 which was then tested. The results showed that among nine proposed factors, only seven factors were found significant enough to influence consumers’ behavioural intention towards usage of debit card in retail payments and consumer’s actual usage of debit cards in retail payments, the factors are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, price value, habit and perceived trust which were found to influence consumer’s behavioural intention towards debit card usage on retail payments while habit and behavioural intention were found to influence consumer’s towards the actual usage of debit card on retail payments. In response to specific objective 2, the factors were analysed by statistical tool SPSS by using multiple linear regression, habit was found to have the most predictive power in influencing consumers’ behavioural intention towards the usage of debit cards in retail payments followed by perceived trust, effort expectancy, performance expectancy and price value. Also, habit and behaviour intention were found to have high predictive power on the actual usage of debit cards on retail payments.

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Chapter 4


Zanifa Omary
The Institute of Finance Management

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