Issue 1

Pages Title Author(s) Papers
196 - 203 Utilizing Real-Time Strategy for Penetration Testing

DOI: 10.20533/ijcc.2046.3359.2022.0025
George B. Stone, Douglas A. Talbert, William Eberle Download Paper
204 - 208 The Implications of State-sponsored Cyber Attacks in South Asian Countries

DOI: 10.20533/ijcc.2046.3359.2022.0026
Tanvir Hassan Zoha, Sifat Nur Billah Download Paper
209 - 215 The Challenge of COVID-19 on the Information and Communication Technology Sector – Maximizing Misfortune

DOI: 10.20533/ijcc.2046.3359.2022.0027
Barileé B. Baridam, Ezekiel Uzor Okike Download Paper