IJCC Review Process
Initial Screening (One Week)
All manuscripts that are submitted to the IJCC are initially screened by the Editorial Team for completeness and to determine if the manuscript meets the IJCC criteria:
- The manuscripts should be within the scope of the IJCC.
- The manuscripts should be of acceptable quality and in compliance with the IJCC’s Author Guidelines.
- Author(s) must use the Author’s Template to format their manuscript and submited in MS Word format Online.
Request Initial Revisions or Reject the Manuscript
The Editorial Board will decide on either to:
- Send the manuscript out for double blind review
- Request initial revisions prior to the double blind review process, or
- Reject the manuscript
- The initial screening result will be sent to the corresponding author(s) via email within a week.
Peer Review (Three to Four weeks)
The journal employs a double-blind peer review system, which is the most important aspect of the publication process. Each manuscript passing initial screening will be subjected to rigorous and anonymous peer-review by a minimum of two peer reviewers. Referees who review a manuscript remain unknown to the authors. The IJCC’s independent status ensures a submission acceptance rate based on merit and not favor, bias, or personal preference. Authors receive reviewers’ comments and recommendations from the editorial team. Usually, reviewers will complete their reviews within three to four weeks. The reviewers make a recommendation to accept, revise, or reject a manuscript based on the scientific merit and technical quality of the studies reported.
Revision after Peer Review (Two Weeks)
Authors are required to revise the manuscripts according to the comments of the reviewers and answer all questions raised by reviewers in a cover letter. The revised manuscripts and cover letters are required to be sent to us via email in MS Word format within two weeks. If the manuscript has been submitted in PDF (the Editorial Board Members may require MS Word format files at a later date, if need be). Upon resubmission, the editorial team will decide wether to return the manuscript to the reviewers for additional review, accept, recommend modification(s) or reject.
Acceptance Letters (One Week)
After the revision process, qualified manuscripts will be accepted for publication. The acceptance letters will be sent to the corresponding authors within one week.
No publication fees
No publication fees apply. The manuscript(s) submission(s), peer review process and publications in the IJCC are free.
Single Processing Charge (SPC) or Article Processing Charge (APC)
The IJCC is an open access journal. We promise that readers do not have to pay subscription fee to access all the published research papers. From the 1st of March 2021, all submitted manuscripts will incur Single Processing Charge (SPC) or Article Processing Charge (APC) for typesetting and maintenance of the IJCC website. The SPC / APC is used to support the IJCC in making sure that the published research papers are freely available to all readers worldwide. Author(s) do not need to make payment until their manuscripts have been reviewed and accepted for publication. The SPC / APC is a flat rate without additional costs.
Exempt from Single Processing Charge (SPC) or Article Processing Charge (APC)
Please note that the SPC / APC does not apply to Author(s) that presented at any of the conferences sponosed or co-sponsored by the Infonomics Society.
Proofreading and Publication Notification (One Week)
Proofreading is the final stage of the editing process. The IJCC Editorial Board will conduct thorough proofreading process for all the accepted manuscripts. The author(s) get the chance of checking their research paper before publishing. The proofs is sent to the author(s) and should be returned within three days. If the author(s) do not reply within the one week, the Editorial Board will consider the manuscript fit for publication. Author(s) will be notified via email as soon as their research paper is published on the IJCC website and also stating the publication link.
Concurrent Submissions
Authors are limited to having two manuscripts under review at any point in time, so that sufficient diversity within the authorship of the journal can be ensured. If an author already has two manuscripts under review in one of the journals, they will therefore need to wait until the review process of at least one of these manuscripts is complete before submitting another manuscript for consideration.
Licence and Permission
The manuscript should not be published elsewhere without permission. Author(s) is/are required to grant an exclusive licence to Infonomics Society on behalf of all authors. The request for permission must be made in writing prior to reusing the material. Once the submitted paper is accepted for publication, authors will be invited to fill in an electronic Copyright form. If the form has not been received along with the final revised manuscript, the manuscript will not be published until will receive the completed Copyright form. The manuscripts submitted for publication must be original, previously unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If previously published materials written by others have to be used, the copyright-owner’s permission must be obtained prior to submission. The author takes the responsibility for checking whether material submitted is subject to Copyright or ownership rights. The Infonomics Society (as the Publisher) cannot publish material from other publications without permission. If any unpermitted material(s) is/are used in the research paper, the research paper will be rejected or removed from the IJCC website, even if it has already been published.
All IJCC published research papers will be distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY). The published papers can be copied and distributed on condition that the original research paper and source are correctly cited. Authors retain all Copyright interest or it is retained by other Copyright holder as appropriate and agree that the published research paper remains permanently open access in the IJCC website under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY). The Infonomics Society (as the Publisher) have the right to use and archive the content for the purpose of creating a record and may reformat or paraphrase to benefit the display of the record. Please contact us via email for any commercial use.
Plagiarism is considered as offense. All submissions must be original works. The revised manuscripts after peer review are screened using plagiarism detection software. The author will be required to clarify regarding the plagiarised manuscript within one week if it is found to be suspected of plagiarism during any stages even after publication. Without a reasonable and timely explanation, the manuscript will be tagged, rejected and removed from our system while the Author(s) name(s) will be blacklisted for five years.
Appeals will only be considered if the reviewer or editor is thought to have a significant error or bias, or when the objectivity is compromised by a documented competing interest. While under appeal, the manuscript should not be submitted for consideration elsewhere. Usually, the processing of appeals will take not more than two weeks. The Editorial Board has the right to make a final decision and second appeal will not be considered. After the processing of appeals is completed, the manuscript can be submitted to other publishers. Appeals regarding any published materials will only be accepted within three months from the first publication date. Authors can appeal agains decision(s) by contacting us via email and explain the reasons for any complaints or the appeal.
Open Access Policy
Open access is a publishing model for scholarly communication which enables the dissemination of research articles to the global community without any cost and any form of restriction. It is the practice of providing unrestricted access to peer-reviewed academic journal research papers via the Internet and is increasingly being provided to scholarly monographs and book chapters. All original research papers published by Infonomics Society are available freely and permanently accessible online immediately after publication. Readers are free to copy and distribute the contributions under Creative Commons attribution-non commercial licence. The benefits of IJCC open access publications are as follows:
- The paper submissions, peer review process and publications in the IJCC are free (no fees apply).
- Rigorous double blind peer review process.
- Free and unlimited accessibility of the publication over the Internet without any restrictions (High Availability and High Visibility).
- Open access publications are more frequently cited (Hihgly Cited).