Author(s) Codes of Ethics
LICEJ Author(s) Codes of Ethics
The Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ) is a peer reviewed quarterly publication. The LICEJ provides an international forum for electronic publication of high-quality scholarly papers. The scope of LICEJ encompasses all aspects of the education as well as cross-disciplinary topics and ICT applications in education. The LICEJ Code of Ethics describes the journal policies for ensuring the ethical treatment of Author(s) and the publication process. Authors are encouraged to read these guidelines and address any questions or concerns to Editor-in-Chief, at licejinfo• These guidelines apply to manuscripts submitted to LICEJ and may be revised at any time by the Editor-in-Chief.
Commitment to ethical professional conduct is expected from every researcher. The research work should neither neglect nor discriminate against individuals and groups who may benefit from advances in research.
Section 1: Research Work
1.1 The Author’s research work should:
i. Contribute to a specific knowledge domain within the Journal research topics;
ii. The research conducted should benefit the society and contributes to the knowledge domain;
iii. Research must be conducted with respect for all within the community and for all communities in society regardless of race, ethnicity, culture and/or religion;
iv. Respect the rules of confidentiality with regard to the review process;
1.2 All data must be treated with appropriate levels of confidentiality and anonymity. Authors should ensure the accuracy, appropriateness, ownership of data and research results.
Section 2: Originality
2.1 The only exception to the “originality” rule is a conference proceedings paper, where the paper is work in progress toward the manuscript submitted to LICEJ. If the manuscript contains materials that overlap with work that is previously published, that is in press, or that is under consideration for publication elsewhere, the Author must cite this work in the manuscript.
2.2 Authors must explicitly cite their own earlier work and ideas, but Authors should not submit a manuscript that was previously submitted, sent out for review, and rejected after review.
Section 3: Manuscript Submission
3.1 When an Author submits a manuscript to LICEJ, the manuscript must be an original work.
3.2 Authors must not submit the same work, in whole or in part, for review or publication in two places at the same time, or at any time while the manuscript is under review. It is also improper for an Author to submit a manuscript the same research work to be consider for publication somewhere else, unless it is a resubmission of a manuscript that has been rejected for or withdrawn from been published.
3.3 The research work must not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere, either in whole.
Section 4: Plagiarism
4.1 Plagiarism takes many forms, the submitted manuscript should be free of any plagiarism, falsification, fabrications, or omission of significant material. Authors are expected to explicitly cite others’ work and ideas, even if the work or ideas are not quoted verbatim or paraphrased. This standard applies whether the previous work is published, unpublished, or electronically available.
4.2 Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable. If exact sentences or paragraphs that appear in another work by the Author are included in the manuscript, the material must be appropriately cited.
4.3 LICEJ reserves the right to evaluate issues of plagiarism and redundancy on a case-by-case basis.
Section 5: Conflict of Interest
5.1 Authors should avoid any possible conflict of interest or the appearance of conflict of interest throughout the research process. If there is doubt about whether a circumstance represents a conflict, it should be disclosed, so that Editor-in-Chief may assess the possible impacts.
Section 6: Double-Blind Review
6.1 LICEJ follows a double-blind review process, whereby Authors do not know Reviewers and vice versa. The manuscript should not include any self-revealing information that would identify the Author to a Reviewer.
6.2 Authors should not post their submitted manuscript on websites where it could be easily discovered by potential Reviewers.
Section 7: Accuracy
7.1 Authors are obligated to present an accurate account of the research performed as well as an objective discussion of the significance of the research.
7.2 If an Author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own work, it is the Author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal Editor-in-Chief, to correct the error and cooperate with the Editor-in-Chief to retract or correct the paper.
Section 8: Co-Authorship
8.1 The Co-Authors of papers should have made significant contributions to the work and share accountability for the results.
8.2 The analyses of data from others sources should be explicitly acknowledged by giving credit to their work.
8.3 The Corresponding Author who submits a manuscript to LICEJ should have sent all living Co-Authors a draft and obtained consents of all Co-Authors to submit the manuscript.
Section 9: Human Subjects
9.1 Authors have a responsibility to preserve and protect the privacy, dignity, well-being and freedom of human subjects and research participants. Informed consent should be sought from all human subjects, and if confidentiality or anonymity is requested it should be honoured.
Section 10: Copyright Law
10.1 Authors should check their manuscript for possible breaches of copyright law and secure the necessary permissions (where permissions are needed) before submission.
Section 11: Timeliness
11.1 Authors should be prompt with their manuscript revisions. If Author cannot meet the deadline given for final submission of their manuscript, the Author should contact the Editor-in-Chief as soon as possible to determine whether a longer time period or withdrawal the manuscript from the current LICEJ issue and then be re-schedule for future issue.
Section 12: Post publication
12.1 LICEJ holds the copyright to all published articles.
12.2 LICEJ authors must ask for permission to publish their article (a selection from the article) post their articles online or elsewhere.