
Profile groups tailored to the everyday working life and usage behavior of employees facilitate authentic learning based on a constructivist concept. Information security training is needed for every job profile in German SMEs. To verify this, an online survey was conducted and analyzed descriptively. Questions include the use of technical infrastructure and external interactions, the work environment, security measures, and the frequency and need for information security training. Based on correlations between job profiles, scatter plots with usage characteristics and a comparison of usage behavior, the urgent need for awareness and the expected job profiles are largely confirmed. SMEs are becoming more digital, more mobile and more in need of training. The result is a “profile arc” that can be found in every company and used to guide authentic learning approaches. Constraints in the SME environment such as short time frames with limited resources need to be discussed.

Authors: Hubertus von Tippelskirch, Margit Scholl

Published in: London International Conference on Education (LICE-2022)

  • Date of Conference: 14-16 November 2022
  • DOI: 10.20533/LICE.2022.0015
  • ISBN: 978-1-913572-52-5
  • Conference Location: Virtual (London, UK)