Investigating Factors Influencing Malawi Housing Decision-Making Process
Natural disasters (floods being the worst) are unrest in Malawi killing, injuring, and displacing millions mainly through collapsing houses. The continuing increase of slums in Malawi is due to the fact that poor Malawians are unable to access good land for settlement; financial resources to enable them to have habitable houses and modern technology to warrant houses withstand diverse natural disasters [1]. There is a very high population growth rate migration from rural to urban (6.7%) which is putting Malawi on the world map being amongst the most urbanizing countries [2]. The country has put no solid measures to exterminate the ever-elapsing housing calamity. The house owners are as well incapable with very limited ability to regulate the hydrological disasters. Consequently in an environment that supports the prevailing confirmation of housing theory, it is imperative that the researcher encompassed this line of exploration in a new study that will investigate factors influencing the Malawi Housing decision-Making Process. This was achieved by answering the research question “What factors influence Malawi Housing Decision Making Process? from where specific research questions have originated. A quantitative research approach was used to collect and analyze data in order to answer the research question. Expected research results would compel housing stakeholders to formulate policies for quality housing for all. Quality housing can be achieved if affiliated with stakeholders while being championed by the Malawi government through the formulation and regulation of housing policies in order to retain human dignity from natural disasters embarrassments and humiliations.
Author: Albert K. M. Y. Kayange
Published in: London International Conference on Education (LICE-2022)
- Date of Conference: 14-16 November 2022
- DOI: 10.20533/LICE.2022.0012
- ISBN: 978-1-913572-52-5
- Conference Location: Virtual (London, UK)