Issue 1

Pages Title Author(s) Papers
203 - 207 Relationship Analysis: Phishing Email Success Rates and User Experience Modification

DOI: 10.20533/ijrfidsc.2046.3715.2023.0023
Shannon M. Merchant, Aspen Olmsted Download Paper
208 - 214 Efficiency Assessment of Routing Protocols for Enhanced Communication in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

DOI: 10.20533/ijrfidsc.2046.3715.2023.0024
Sabrine Belmekki, Didem Aydogan Download Paper
215 - 222 Convolutional Neural Network Based Model for Intrusion Detection

DOI: 10.20533/ijrfidsc.2046.3715.2023.0025
Olaniyi A. Ayeni, Stanley C. Ewa, Otasowie Owolafe Download Paper
223 - 232 An Assessment of Wi-Fi 5 and 6 and its Effects on Location Tracking

DOI: 10.20533/ijrfidsc.2046.3715.2023.0026
Salman Al Musalam, Zeinab Rezaeifar Download Paper