Q: How long will the peer review process take?
A: Manuscripts, which have passed the initial screening, will be sent to two or three referees to evaluate the content. The review process will take six weeks.
Q: How can I know the status of my paper?
A: Please contact the Editorial Team at ijcdsepapers@infonomics-society.org for status of the manuscript submission. The Editorial Team will give you a prompt response within 48 hours.
Q: Where can I find a manuscript guideline and format specification?
A: Please click Author’s Template to download the paper submission template.
Q: Why do I need to sign a Copyright form?
A: It is important to protect the rights and interests between Authors and the Infonomics Society (as the Publisher). Therefore, Authors are required to grant an exclusive licence to the publisher. Compliant with the open access policy, the Infonomics Society can reproduce, distribute, display and store the manuscript in the most appropriate way.
Q: How many papers can an author submit and what are the restrictions?
A: Authors are limited to having two manuscripts under review at any point in time, so that sufficient diversity within the authorship of the journal can be ensured. If an author already has two manuscripts under review in one of the journals, they will therefore need to wait until the review process of at least one of these manuscripts is complete before submitting another manuscript for consideration.
Q: Are there any non-English language for writing?
A: All manuscripts should be written in English.
Q: What type of referencing style do we use:
A: We use APA referencing style.
Q: What type of manuscripts will the IJCDSE publish?
A: The IJCDSE published a variety of academic, training, and scientific Research Papers, Reviews, Case Studies, Ongoing Research, Reflections, Reports etc.
Q: What is Single Processing Charge (SPC) or Article Processing Charge (APC)?
A: From the 1st of March 2021, all submitted manuscripts will incur Single Processing Charge (SPC) or Article Processing Charge (APC) for typesetting and maintenance of the IJCDSE website. The SPC / APC is used to support the IJCDSE in making sure that the published research papers are freely available to all readers worldwide.
Q: Are there any publication fees?
A: No publication fees apply. The manuscript(s) submission(s), peer review process and publications in the IJCDSE are free.
Q: When should I process the SPC / APC?
A: Author(s) do not need to make payment until their manuscripts have been reviewed and accepted for publication. The SPC is a flat rate without additional costs.
Q: How can I get exemption for the SPC / APC?
A: All the Author(s) that presented in any of the conferences sponsored or co-sponsored by the Infonomics Society are exempted from the SPC / APC.
Q: What methods of payment do you accept?
A: We accept all major credit cards. The payment methods are online and bank transfer. Please note that bank transfer is restricted to few countries.
Q: What are manuscripts file formats?
A: We accepts manuscripts prepared in MS Word format. If the manuscript has been submitted in PDF, the Editorial Board Members may require MS Word format files from the Author(s) at a later date, if need be.
Q: Do IJCDSE have impact factors?
A: Yes. The impact factor reflects the average number of citations of the IJCDSE publications during the last five years.
Q: Is the IJCDSE indexed in bibliographic databases?
A: Yes. To view the current list of indexing, please Click. The DOI is used to uniquely identify each research paper as an electronic document.
Q: How long will the submitted manuscripts be published?
A: The publication process from initial submission to final publication will take about 2 months.
Q: Can IJCDSE be listed in the electronic holdings of the library?
A: Yes. The IJCDSE are list in library’s electronic journal holdings worldwide. If you have technical issues, please contact our Editorial Team.
Q: How do I submit my manuscript to IJCDSE?
A: It is important to use the Author’s Template and submit Online