
This paper describes the steps used in developing and piloting a nonformal online Design Thinking-based learning programme for long-term unemployed postgraduates in Ireland – Grad2Work. The programme aimed to enable participants to engage with the ‘problem’ of re-entering the workforce. This paper describes the steps followed to develop Grad2Work, thereby contributing to the Design Thinking for Teaching and Learning methodology. The approach to designing the programme was informed by the Kulcsár et al’s [4] career decision-making framework and Social Constructivist learning theory. Analysis of the pilot data indicated that the programme met its objective of preparing participants to progress their career ambitions. Participation is more positive for learners if they are expected to actively implement what they have learnt. Ongoing support during the delivery of the programme is important for successful implementation. The incorporation of participant experience is a key strength of this approach to programme creation and implementation.

Author: Michael Hanley

Published in: Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE-2022)

  • Date of Conference: 18-20 October 2022
  • DOI: 10.20533/IICE.2022.10.0006
  • ISBN: 978-1-913572-47-1
  • Conference Location: Virtual (Dún Laoghaire, Ireland)