
South Africa’s obstacle of teeming unemployment among the youth and graduates, high crime rate, and poverty coupled with being a multiracial, multicultural, and segregated state in the world. What is the way forward to ameliorate these menaces? To solve social cancers and ills the paper explores entrepreneurship concepts and theories, identified challenges, and reveals the entrepreneurship agendas and processes that need to be implemented across the South Africa Higher educational curriculum. Curling from the literature, entrepreneurs’ qualities is being initiators, risk takers, creative and innovative, team players, taking the sound decision and being responsible for them, and above all, developing the ‘third’ eyes. This implies the ability to scan, spot, and ‘searchlight’ business opportunities through agility and alertness over the competitors. Therefore, an entrepreneurial culture should be created, especially in the Higher education system to train graduates to be ‘job creators rather than ‘job seekers. Therefore, the paper insists that despite efforts by the Department of Higher Education through Entrepreneurship Development in the Tertiary Sector, and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges, much need to be done to incorporate, industries, private businesses, and governmental institutions like Sector for Education and Training (SETA), and Department of Small Businesses and Development. In that vein, the right skills in short supply can churn out at the higher institutions to curb and ameliorates the surge of inequality and unemployment in the country.

Authors: Lawrence Korsi Vorvornator, Joyce Mdiniso

Published in: Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE-2022)

  • Date of Conference: 18-20 October 2022
  • DOI: 10.20533/IICE.2022.10.0014
  • ISBN: 978-1-913572-47-1
  • Conference Location: Virtual (Dún Laoghaire, Ireland)