ICITST 2019 Conference Papers Index
Front Cover
Conference Title: ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Proceedings Title: ICITST-WorldCIS-WCST-WCICSS-2019 Proceedings
Year: 2019
Page(s): 2
Message from the Steering Committee Chair
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 3 - 4
Contents Page
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 5-7
ICITST-2019 Programme Committees
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 8-9
WorldCIS-2019 Programme Committees
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 10-11
WCST-2019 Programme Committees
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 12-13
WCICSS-2019 Programme Committees
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 14-15
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 16
Speaker 1: Sara Jeza Alotaibi
Title: Internet Application and Technology for E-Government Public Services
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Speaker 2: Fatima Aruna
Title: Network security and cyber security: The usefulness in the society
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Speaker 3: Victor Valente Silvestre
Title: The positive effect of an international sporting event on the sustainable development of a city in southern Brazil
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Speaker 4: Olaniyi Felix Olayinka
Title: Indigenous Technology and the Prospect of Eradication of Extreme Poverty in Africa
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Speaker 5: Mercha Ikram
Title: Effect of the incorporation of Argania spinosa‘s sub products diet on camel milk antioxidant activity and nutritional composition
Authors: Mercha Ikram, Lakram Nazha, Kabbour Med Rachid, Zkhiri Fouzia, El Maadoudi El Haj
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Speaker 6: Christopher Mulenga Nondo
Title: Sustainable Development Policy from the Perspective of an Emerging Economy - A Case for Zambia
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 17
Session 1: Cyber Security and Sustainability
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 18
Title: A Novel Framework for Visual Encryption in Air-to-Ground Digital Image Transmission
Authors: Chan Yeob Yeun, Abdulrahman Alhadhrami, Ernesto Damiani, Tae Yeon Kim, Hyun Ku Yeun
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 19 - 22
Title: Modeling Advanced Persistent Threats: A Case Study of APT38
Authors: Sabah Al-Fedaghi, MennatAllah Bayoumi
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 23 - 29
Title: Using Machine Learning for Incident Response and Classify Complex Network Attacks: Implementing Machine Learning Models to Detect Malicious Traffic
Authors: Paulo Pereira
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 30
Title: Pentest on an Internet Mobile App: A Case Study using Tramonto
Authors: Daniel Dalalana Bertoglio, Guilherme Girotto, Charles Varlei Neu, Roben Castagna Lunardi, Avelino Francisco Zorzo
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 31 - 36
Session 2: Cyber Security, Information Security and Sustainability
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 37
Title: Detecting Cyber Malicious Activity Via Analyzing SSL Certificates
Authors: Huda Al Dhanhani, Chan Yeob Yeun, Ernesto Damiani
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 38 - 44
Title: A Robust Pseudo-Chaotic Number Generator for Cryptosystem Based on Chaotic Maps and Multiplexing Mechanism
Authors: Zongchao Qiao, Ina Taralova, Safwan El Assad
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 45 - 48
Title: Performance and Cost Evaluation of Smart Contracts in Collaborative Health Care Environment
Authors: Roben Castagna Lunardi, Henry Cabral Nunes, Vinicius da Silva Branco, Bruno Hugentobler Lippert, Charles Varlei Neu, Avelino Francisco Zorzo
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 49 - 54
Title: Information Security and Data Controllability for Collaborative Systems
Authors: Manuel Munier, Vincent Lalanne
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 55 - 61
Title: Context-Aware Authentication to Protect Data Access: in Cloud Environments Identity and Access Management Applied by Context-Aware Authentication
Authors: Claudio Augusto N. Ferraz, Edgard Costa Oliveira, Ari Melo Mariano
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 62 - 67
Session 3: Cloud Security, Network Security and Sustainability
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 68
Title: Provably Secure Authenticated Key Agreement with Key Confirmation for Distributed Systems
Authors: Andrea Huszti, Oláh Norbert
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 69 - 74
Title: Attack Detection Method by Packet Analysis Using Online Learning Method and Correlation Change Method
Authors: Ayahiko Niimi, Koki Takahata
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 75 - 80
Title: A Study to Find the Impacts of Strikes on Students and Local Shopkeepers in Bangladesh
Authors: Ashik Mostafa Alvi, Nazifa Tasneem, Anik Hasan, Sumaiya Binte Akther
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 81 - 86
Title: Secure Wearable Computing – A Survey of Threats and security measures for wristband wearables
Authors: M. Pfatrisch, D. Fischer, B. Markscheffel, H. Ehm
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 87 - 88
2017 Ransomware Case Study: What is Old, May not be Dead
Authors: Arsh Arora, Ragib Hasan, Gary Warner
ICITST in cooperation with WorldCIS, WCST, WCICSS-2019
Year: 2019
Page(s): 89 - 95