
Psychology 4408 at Mount Royal University is a senior undergraduate course that focuses on human interaction with emerging digital technologies, including virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence. For the last 3 semesters I have been teaching Psychology 4408 at Mount Royal University using the AltSpaceVR platform. During that time, I have also hosted over 50 live VR Researchers events for Educators in VR. What I will share with you are 6 things I have learned about teaching in a VR platform. These 6 concepts encapsulate the main lessons I have learned that guide my style and content when teaching in a VR learning space. These 6 ideas are:

1) Don’t get lost in the unlimited

2) Teaching spaces in VR have their own set of characteristics

3) Effectively building content into virtual spaces

4) Embrace the opportunity to experiment with new teaching styles and techniques

5) Communication with your students is not like it used to be

6) Building new VR worlds as student project is fantastic.


Author: Anthony Chaston

Published in: Canada International Conference on Education, 2023

  • Date of Conference: 26-28 June, 2023
  • DOI: 10.20533/CICE.2023.0025
  • Electronic ISBN: 978-1-913572-58-7
  • Conference Location: Residence and Conference Centre, Toronto, Canada