
The most important resource of any institution of higher / technical education is its faculty who motivates and supports the learners to achieve the intended learning outcomes. It is equally true that the graduates, who join the teaching profession, are quite competent in their own content area, but are not trained in the pedagogical aspects like planning of sessions, delivery in classroom, assessment practices, communication and presentation skills, social / interpersonal skills, which are key to their roles as technical teachers. Hence Faculty development programmes are always seen as an imperative for technical institutions, however, there are not sufficient evidence regarding their effectiveness [43] Kirkpatrick [35] described an evaluation model with four levels of program outcomes: reaction of participants, cognitive learning, behavioural changes, and the impact of faculty development programs (FDP’s) influence on the learner’s career. Experts believe that evaluators should focus on higher evaluation levels rather than just the participants’ satisfaction to increase stakeholder support for the program. According to the model suggested, the studyproposes to assess the effectiveness / impact of a program at all the four different levels, 1) Reactions of teachers through end of the program feedback forms; 2) Cognitive learning through pre-test and post- test, assessments; and 3) behavioural changes through follow-up interviews. 4.) Impact on students’ learning through their reactions about the performance of trained teachers. Although the benefits of FDPs must reach to all the teachers, but in view of the quantitative growth of technical institutions in the last two decades and the number of teachers to be trained, the accessibility to the teachers’ population is posing a big challenge, hence alternate models of delivery should be considered. Hence, another major objective of present study is to compare the effectiveness of conventional (contact) mode of delivery with ICT based (online) mode. The comparative cost benefit analysis will be done and a viable and economical model for training will be evolved in Indian context. Plans for the training of technical teachers according to the need of the system and available resources will be projected for the next 5-7 years.

Author: Kiran Saksena

Published in: Canada International Conference on Education, 2022

  • Date of Conference: 21-23 June, 2022
  • DOI: 10.20533/CICE.2022.0027
  • Electronic ISBN: 978-1-913572-49-5
  • Conference Location: Virtual (Mississauga, Canada)