
Young girls and women in Canada are currently facing a significant increase in Mental Health and Confidence issues and ways to reduce, eliminate or eradicate them. A report in the Atlantic established that women perform better in a community environment than individually. This study is aimed, by Palmonia Gordon, to determine how to increase self-confidence and improve the mental health of women. Specifically, it investigates whether an understanding of the mind and how it works, affects the impact on victims as well as the root of perceived and actual barriers and limitations. To assess the hypothesis that a proper understanding of the mind and how it operates allows women to increase self-confidence and reduces mental health stress. Two communities with women across Canada were created. One online, consistent, and interactive; the other met randomly or when there was a crisis. The women in the online group, working was given an analogy, a ‘picture’ of the mind, along with an explanation of how it functions. Seeing the Conscious Mind as a Funnel and the Subconscious Mind as a Beaker that catches everything that passes through the funnel, participants were able to become consciously aware of the impacts of their own thoughts and words on their mind. The results showed an increase in self-confidence, stronger mental health as well as setting and completion of goals by these women who once thought the goals to be impossible, in the online community; with the random community resulting with an increase in crisis and call for help. These results suggest that women are more likely to rebuild self-confidence and improve their Mental Health when they are in an interactive community and women are given the tools to create understanding of how they can control and impact their lives. On this basis, the concept of Understanding the Mind, should be considered when designing Women’s mental health and self-confidence programs.

Speaker: Palmonia Gordon

Published in: Canada International Conference on Education, 2022

  • Date of Conference: 21-23 June, 2022
  • DOI: 10.20533/CICE.2022.0010
  • Electronic ISBN: 978-1-913572-49-5
  • Conference Location: Virtual (Mississauga, Canada)