Empirical Examination of the Performance of Conventional Block Cipher Techniques in Data Communication
To prevent intruders from stealing sensitive information across the network, encrypting the sensitive information with an active antivirus on the devices or networks is vital. Cryptography, as a process of computer security, is known in changes information from its regular form to an unreadable form. The ability to safeguard the protected data from attacks should flow with speed and efficiency. These are the two key qualities that define and separate one encryption algorithm from another. Therefore, encryption algorithms are extremely complex and necessitated extensive computerization, with demands for massive computing power and other resources in systems environments. The user using gadgets such as mobile phones, computers, and tablets, were able to convey essential information and conduct financial transactions, which are vulnerable to cyberattacks. Ability to determine which encryption and decryption algorithms to use and to improve processor performance is still in its infancy. The discrepancy of several outputs about the performance of various cryptographic algorithms caused this problem. This research compares the processing time, speed, and space complexity of AES, 3DES, and Blowfish on audio and video files using 128 key bit and 128 block size. To assess the effectiveness of each technique in terms of time, speed, and space complexity, experiment results were presented. Evaluation on comparison of these parameters such as speed, block size, and key size was examined, implemented, and simulated using Python programming.
Authors: Kwame Assa-Agyei, Funminiyi Olajide
Published in: World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2022)
- Date of Conference: 6-8 December 2022
- DOI: 10.20533/WorldCIS.2022.0004
- ISBN: 978-1-913572-56-3
- Conference Location: London, UK