
This abstract examined students’ collective responsibility for knowledge advancement in a principle-based knowledge building environment, supported by Knowledge Forum® (KF), through portfolio assessment. In the knowledge building approach, collective cognitive responsibility and adding value to the community’s knowledge are emphasized, and twelve KB principles were constructed to support the development of KB communities [1]. As well, knowledge is viewed as a social product and ideas could be sustainable improved [2]. To support knowledge building pedagogies, Knowledge Forum®, which is a multimedia community knowledge space, was designed to provide a shared discourse environment. Scaffolds, embedded in KF, are regarded as a meta-cognitive prompts to help students to generate their notes, such as “What I initially thought”. Furthermore, in the knowledge building environment, the role of assessment designs in scaffolding students’ collective knowledge advancement was also emphasized. Student-directed electronic portfolio assessment, asking students to identify their notes in the KF, is designed to help students characterize their collaborative inquiry in KF [3].

Published in: London International Conference on Education (LICE-2016)

  • Date of Conference: 14-17 November 2016
  • DOI: 10.2053/LICE.2016.0065
  • ISBN: 978-1-908320-76-6
  • Conference Location: Heathrow Windsor Marriott Hotel, UK