
This workshop is designed to introduce a different angle in using LMS (Learning Management System). Attendees will have the chance to reconsider and drill new ideas to:
1. Have the ability to create online course as an electronic version of the course taught.
2. Have the ability to share and explore other ESL instructors’ experiences with LMS around the
3. Engage students to the course (ESL students).
4. Look for new innovative ways to use LMS in teaching and learning English as a Second
5. Take advantage of using mobile devices in education and have them as an interactive tool.
6. Encourage students with self-conscious to have a voice in class by giving tasks that leads to
collaboration via LMS.
7. Use supplementary audio/video files through LMS that can help an ESL instructor clarify a
specific language skill.
8. Show how LMS can be a time saver to a teacher year after year.

Published in: London International Conference on Education (LICE-2016)

  • Date of Conference: 14-17 November 2016
  • DOI: 10.2053/LICE.2016.0006
  • ISBN: 978-1-908320-76-6
  • Conference Location: Heathrow Windsor Marriott Hotel, UK