
“The influence of an early condition, intervention, or other basis for predicting diverging individual differences over time will be greater if it produces differences opposite in direction from the developmental changes expected normatively for that outcome. Conversely, if the antecedent produces differences favoring the developmental direction that is normatively expected, its effects will be attenuated, and harder to detect” (p. 1, Wright, 2001). Children are more or less susceptible developmentally due to specific cultural, linguistic, familial, societal, and media-related socialization experiences. Susceptibility is not a single quality. A child may be susceptible to some sorts of environmental hazards or buffers and not others. She may be susceptible along some developmental outcomes but not others.

Published in: London International Conference on Education (LICE-2016)

  • Date of Conference: 14-17 November 2016
  • DOI: 10.2053/LICE.2016.0037
  • ISBN: 978-1-908320-76-6
  • Conference Location: Heathrow Windsor Marriott Hotel, UK