
The Chinese leader Mao Zedong once said “women hold half the sky”. This may be true demographically but it is far from reality. According to the patriarchal view of our society, male and female genders are assigned different roles and the individuals are always viewed through ‘lenses of gender’. If women attempt to be assertive or authoritative then they are labelled “unfeminine”. Women leaders walk a tight rope to reach a position of influence and power. Lack of education and economic opportunities for women restrict the potential of women to think about their due rights. Furthermore, poverty and religious extremism are also roadblocks in the way of Pakistani women becoming progressive
and independent. Women in Pakistan are highly connected with the honour of men. Men normally control their movements and behaviour whether he is a father, husband or brother. The women of Pakistan will have to go a long way before they are able to get their rights in Pakistan. This paper examines the stereotypes of female leadership and how culturally driven gender roles of women impact their career choices and professional advancement in organizations. A few women who have succeeded to reach an executive or other professional position pay a price for such a success with personal sacrifices including delaying motherhood or remaining childless. In developing nations like Pakistan, women students earn more college degrees than men, but their abilities in the workplace are undervalued. Solutions to closing the gap are discussed.

Published in: London International Conference on Education (LICE-2016)

  • Date of Conference: 14-17 November 2016
  • DOI: 10.2053/LICE.2016.0028
  • ISBN: 978-1-908320-76-6
  • Conference Location: Heathrow Windsor Marriott Hotel, UK