A Game Theoretical Approach for Cyber Security Awareness
This research presents the design and evaluation of cyber attackers as a game simulated approach that teaches and alerts users about the activities of attacker-defender in cyberspace. Game theory provides a foundational approach for network security investigation and simulation. What motivated this research was, various techniques have been developed for modelling the interactions between internet users and cyber attackers in cyberspace. One of the most effective techniques researchers have been exploring is the application of game-theoretic approaches to address network and security issues in the cyber world. However, this issue has not been fully addressed in the context of using the game theoretical approach in cyber security awareness. This research, therefore, focused on the development of a 2D mobile and desktop game simulation for cyber-security using the game theory model by elaborating the attacker and defender model in a networking environment. A survey was administered to internet users such as students, educational staff, secretaries, and ICT staff of various companies which was filled using “Yes or No” as the scale. Participants were given about 5 minutes to fill the survey which focused on the following but not limited to threats to information systems such as phishing, DoS and DDoS attacks, spam, viruses and so on, and for trustworthy in case of security concepts such as strong password, encryption, authentication and digital forensics. Participants' feedback confirms that games can be a useful tool for educating people about online security threats. The result of the simulation also shows that interactive games can be a promising way of teaching people about strategies to adopt so as to avoid falling for cyberattacks.
Authors: Oluwabunmi Y.Ogunlola, Otasowie Owolafe, Aderonke F. Thompson, Boniface Kayode Alese
Published in: International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2021)
- Date of Conference: 7-9 December 2021
- DOI: 10.20533/ICITST.2021.0005
- ISBN: 978-1-913572-39-6
- Conference Location: Virtual (London, UK)