
This paper investigated the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on information technology, telecommunication and social technologies use in information sharing and dissemination as well as in teaching and learning. The pandemic changed the world-view and general operations in technology and secular activities. The outbreak of the pandemic brought to the fore the use of virtual devices (software and hardware) to communicate and undertake service delivery. As a result, there has been supposedly an upsurge in the use of information and communication technology based virtual devices to do business in all the sectors of human activity. The demand on the use of virtual platforms during this pandemic period has boosted information and communication technology though this trend presents both positive and negative strands. The result of this study reveals the significant role of Information and Communication Technology in education, public service delivery, health, Banking insurance and every other sector of human activity.

Authors: Barilée B. Baridam, Ezekiel Uzor Okike

Published in: International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2021)

  • Date of Conference: 7-9 December 2021
  • DOI: 10.20533/ICITST.2021.0021
  • ISBN: 978-1-913572-39-6
  • Conference Location: Virtual (London, UK)