
The prospect of a state-sponsored or organized group (e.g., terrorist) cyber-attack is a rising concern for both government and private strategists. In our research we have found that South Asian country governments are apathetic about cyber security. Apathetic does not require state-sponsored hackers to exert too much effort to easily embarrass the governments of South Asian countries. Because the government does not exchange data in the name of protecting confidentiality, so that criminals are taking advantage of this gap to commit even greater crimes. We also found that there is a tendency of hiding cyber incidence, criminal data exchanging, data briefing of name pad and those dark date are available on deep web. In the days to come, using social media will create political problems from one country to another. To save the digital infrastructure of South Asian countries government should take actual professional initiative. Android Security need to increase and also social If the South Asian countries are attacked, It is an unavoidable conclusion that the South Asian countries will retaliate and make every effort to neutralize the offense with active defence.

Authors: Tanvir Hassan Zoha, Sifat-Nur-Billah

Published in: International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2021)

  • Date of Conference: 7-9 December 2021
  • DOI: 10.20533/ICITST.2021.0017
  • ISBN: 978-1-913572-39-6
  • Conference Location: Virtual (London, UK)