
In this paper, we present two approaches for improving the security and trustworthiness of a blockchain platform with through the collaboration between blockchain platforms in the form of an invitation-based consensus framework (IBCF) and the cross-reference chaining of blocks (CRC). The objective of both approaches is to increase the threshold for the number of colluding nodes in a majority-based consensus agreement in a parallel blockchain environment. The approaches add additional functions to blockchain platforms but does not modify existing consensus algorithms and blockchain mechanisms. We discuss the effectiveness of those approaches as well as provide comparisons of both approaches with respect to the increase of the threshold values.

Published in: Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2018)

  • Date of Conference: 10-13 December 2018
  • DOI: 10.2053/ICITST.WorldCIS.WCST.WCICSS.2018.0006
  • ISBN: 978-1-908320-94-0
  • Conference Location: University of Cambridge, Churchill College