
In today’s dynamic computing environments, context-awareness plays a significant role on making the use of computing devices intuitive and less intrusive. Center to context-awareness are context-aware architectures. The architectures monitor and analyze their environments to enable context-aware applications and subsequently computing devices to effortlessly and appropriately respond to users’ computing needs. The existing architectures, however, have been developed with little capabilities to recognize the users’ ongoing context. This paper presents a Knowledge-driven Distributed Architecture (KoDA). KoDA is unique as is developed to take advance of a comprehensive model of the real world in which the users and computing devices interact. Thus, apart from monitoring ability, KoDA can intelligently use relevant information that is accessible in a room to recognize the users’ ongoing context. KoDA collectively considers information about who, what, when and where to recognize ongoing context.

Published in: Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2018)

  • Date of Conference: 10-13 December 2018
  • DOI: 10.2053/ICITST.WorldCIS.WCST.WCICSS.2018.0026
  • ISBN: 978-1-908320-94-0
  • Conference Location: University of Cambridge, Churchill College