
This paper presents the activities that will be carried out within the scope of the AMS project: Articulation of Middle and Higher Vocational Training related to the ADS course: High School with Professional Technical Qualification in Systems Development at ETEC Monsenhor Antônio Magliano [6] together with the institution FATEC Faculdade de Tecnologia Dep. Júlio Julinho Marcondes de Moura [7], who is part of the five-year high school (technical) and higher (technological) education. A scenario was considered where the student enters High School with the Professional Qualification of Technician in the chosen course and, after completing a three-year cycle, can complete the technological higher course in the same area with another two years of study. The systems development professional analyzes and designs systems. Builds, documents, tests and maintains information systems. It uses development environments and specific programming languages. Models, implements and maintains databases. This professional can work in companies and systems development departments in governmental and non-governmental organizations, and can also act as a self-employed professional.

Authors: Luciene Cristina Alves Rinaldi, Renata Paschoal, Cássia Regina Bassan de Moraes

Published in: International Conference on Information Society (i-Society)

  • Date of Conference: 18-20 October 2022
  • DOI: 10.20533/iSociety.2022.0004
  • ISBN: 978-1-913572-48-8
  • Conference Location: Virtual (Dún Laoghaire, Ireland)