
Multi-tenancy is a vital cloud computing property that enables multiple tenants of an application to be served concurrently while guaranteeing isolation between the tenants. Current cloud deployment patterns catalogue for implementing multi-tenancy lack details which make it difficult to use in deploying applications to the cloud. This paper applies our existing catalogue template to the cloud multi-tenancy patterns, in particular the tenant-isolated and dedicated component pattern. Thereafter we demonstrated its applicability with a local company software application that involved the migration of a database driven business process management system to the cloud. The result shows that: (i) there is an improvement in the structure and clarity of the cloud deployment pattern catalogue; (ii) deployment patterns can help achieve migration in less time and with realistic results; (iii) the improved catalogue helps software engineers to understand the trade-off between each pattern.

Published in: International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2016)

  • Date of Conference: 9-11 November 2015
  • DOI: 10.2053/iSociety.2015.00o8
  • ISBN: 978-1-908320-47-6
  • Conference Location: Dublin, Ireland