
The research paper objective is to discover the posture among the pupils at secondary and higher secondary level towards the study of natural sciences and teachers role in studying for the natural sciences. Students attitudes towards natural science has been the considerably predictor of their results in science subjects and consequently on the basis of their results, they pursue career in the discipline akin to science. The pupil’s posture and interest gathers towards physics have the objective of international research point. Results from this research don’t show the significantly difference, instead of those predicted from interviews that guiding us for reviewing the contour for physics as a school subject. So far as it depicts the results as, perception by discovery is better than passive knowledge, physics is supposed to be a difficult but pleasant and interesting subject and we can’t deny its utilization. As this research points out realism that at home students gives less time to learn effectively for physics. Throughout this research process, motivation and effective role of physics teacher renders evidently students attention and interest in learning physics. Here in this research paper we point out the physics structured curriculum and teaching methods structured with information technological AV aids having incessant effects on student’s minds and academic.

Authors: Mubashar Kayani, Sajjad Hussain

Published in: Canada International Conference on Education, 2023

  • Date of Conference: 26-28 June, 2023
  • DOI: 10.20533/CICE.2023.0046
  • Electronic ISBN: 978-1-913572-58-7
  • Conference Location: Residence and Conference Centre, Toronto, Canada