
The abrupt shift from traditional face-to-face classroom instruction to remote teaching approach disrupted the learning equilibrium of students globally. In the Philippines, students had to adapt to the introduced innovations quickly so as not to be left behind, but this might come at the expense of equally important factors. This study aimed to determine the mental health status and readiness to flexible learning approach among college students. Using descriptive research design utilizing survey and interview methods, 2, 187 students in a private university participated in the study. Among those surveyed using standardized instruments, 10 students representing five colleges were interviewed. Descriptive and inferential analysis of data revealed that 49.52% of the students understand mental health as a state of well-being. However, majority of them scored low in their mental health level and readiness towards the flexible learning approach. There is a moderately strong association between students’ readiness in the flexible approach and their mental health. Furthermore, 20% of the variation in the students’ readiness for flexible learning can be explained by the predictors: mental health, college, sexual orientation and living arrangement. Among these predictor variables, mental health has the most significant effect (t = 22.04, p<0.001). The foremost challenges experienced by the students included: not feeling relaxed, not feeling confident and not feeling good about themselves which they deal with by taking time to relax, spending time on social media and praying. Students expressed that they need support from family, friends/peers and for their academics. Thus, with the students’ low level of mental health and readiness for flexible learning approach, the pandemic appeared to have limited the students’ ability towards positive psychological functioning, good relationships, and self-realization. There is a need for more comprehensive mental health and academic support services to help them cope in the new normal.

Author: Rowena V. Banes

Published in: Canada International Conference on Education, 2023

  • Date of Conference: 26-28 June, 2023
  • DOI: 10.20533/CICE.2023.0016
  • Electronic ISBN: 978-1-913572-58-7
  • Conference Location: Residence and Conference Centre, Toronto, Canada