
Effective oral communication skills play a critical role in the personal, academic and professional success of students as not only do these skills enhance self -confidence, but they also aid in the formulation, structuring and presentation of effective arguments. Furthermore, the importance of these skills in the world of work has been underscored by reports from the US Department of Labor which in 1995 reported that communication skills will be in demand across occupations well into the next century, (and more recently [2007]), that effective oral, written and listening communication skills are essential to decision making and resolving issues at the workplace.

Published in: Canada International Conference on Education, 2018

  • Date of Conference: 25-28 June, 2018
  • DOI: 10.2053/CICE.2018.0067
  • Electronic ISBN: 978-1-908320-90-2
  • Conference Location: University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada