
This poster describes a first-year seminar for students at DePauw University, in Greencastle, Indiana, USA. The author chose the course theme, societal issues in technology, and named the class, "Seduced by a Machine". Subthemes involve the over-use of technology and the underrepresentation of women in computing. The seminar instructor sought to increase classroom engagement through providing more agency for the students. Three projects sample the ways that students enjoyed increased control of their classroom activities. In the early weeks of the semesterlong class, seminar students gave a public talk about technology over-dependence. The students organized, planned, and delivered the talk; they authored flyers and posted the advertisements across campus.

Published in: Canada International Conference on Education, 2018

  • Date of Conference: 25-28 June, 2018
  • DOI: 10.2053/CICE.2018.0139
  • Electronic ISBN: 978-1-908320-90-2
  • Conference Location: University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada