
Dual mode distance education universities differ from their single-purpose counterparts as these are not specifically established to offer programs in distance mode and it is added to them afterwards. The fundamental motivation behind distance and dual mode instruction is to give more access to substantial number of students within limited financial budget. Most distance education in Pakistan is delivered by institutions with a mission to offer same degree programs in both on and off campus students. Blended learning is considered as more
successful teaching learning strategy as compared to just f2f and distance education. This environment is easily available in dual mode universities. International Islamic University Islamabad has also offered some academic degree programs through Directorate of Distance Education (blended learning approach) in 2015.

Published in: Canada International Conference on Education, 2017

  • Date of Conference: 26-29 June, 2017
  • DOI: 10.2053/CICE.2017.0280
  • Electronic ISBN: 978-1-908320-83-4
  • Conference Location: University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada