
Personality is a significant aspect in development of students’ attitude towards the course of Chemistry. The basic intention behind the conduction of this research was to inspect the relationship among personality traits and students’ attitude towards the course of Chemistry. Results found in this research work also determine the effect of gender and class on students’ personality along with affective traits of attitude. The sample size was consisting of 780 secondary school (male and female) students. Valid and reliable instrument was developed. Data was analyzed through correlation and t-test. It is concluded that there is considerable mean effect of demographic variables on students’ personality and attitude. Whereas t-test revealed that gender (male and female students) as well as class (9th and 10th grade students) showed significant difference in affective characteristics of attitude and effect of personality traits towards the chemistry course. Results and findings in this research paper is useful and significant for parents, teachers, curriculum developers and educators in order to reform, plan and design curriculum and teaching methodologies according to the requirement of the modern world.

Published in: Canada International Conference on Education, 2017

  • Date of Conference: 26-29 June, 2017
  • DOI: 10.2053/CICE.2017.0270
  • Electronic ISBN: 978-1-908320-83-4
  • Conference Location: University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada