Ageism: Unlocking Our Bias and Taking Action Steps
Educator retention is difficult at various educational entities around the globe. Could we retain more educators if we addressed ageism bias? Inclusive workplaces are critical for retention and inclusion initiatives. This session addresses one aspect of DEI that is often forgotten – ageism. Global research states that only 8% of worldwide DEI strategy includes any training or strategy on ageism. It does not matter what age you are or your job title. You could be experiencing ageism discrimination in the workplace. Are wrinkles embarrassing? Do you color your gray hair? By looking at photographs and definitions, we will talk about how we think and feel about ageism. Don’t be fooled, ageism doesn’t only affect the older population; it’s also relevant for young professionals under age 30. We will analyze the data and statistics in an engaging format. How does ageism show up in the university/workplace? We will discuss coded language and bias that is embedded in language and in our actions. Finally, we will aim to leave the workshop by changing the negative misconceptions about aging with immediate actionable items for all, which include inter-generational relationships, Reverse Mentoring, Shadow Boards, ERGs and speaking up. Come to this session to become an advocate against ageism!
Four primary learning outcomes/objectives of this session are:
• Attendees will learn the definition of ageism and the 3 laws of protection in the USA
• Attendees will discuss statistics and data points around ageism
• Attendees will analyze Coded Language and its hidden bias messages
• Attendees will discuss 5 ideas for action steps
Overall, addressing ageism in DEI is essential for creating an environment that promotes respect, collaboration, and fairness across all age groups. Ageism is harmful for individuals, but it also impacts culture, creates a less inclusive workplace and deprives organizations of the talent they need to compete and innovate. The presenter is a national and international speaker on this topic, and is certified in “CHANGING THE NARRATIVE – Ending Ageism Together”, a national anti-ageism initiative in the USA. As a certified educator in the USA, the presenter has extensive experience in Adult Learning Theory and active engagement. Opportunities to learn from others via discussion, brainstorming, and a “Get Moving” Activity to encourage interaction through movement and discussion. The presenter understands the importance of making the content relatable for attendees, as a national and international trainer/speaker with 20+ years of DEI experience. The presenter currently holds her 3rd contract with the USA National Education Association, and is certified to facilitate 24 DEI professional development courses for educators across the USA. In 2024, she wrote a book chapter for the “Parent Ready” series for the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) on Inclusion. Also in 2024, the speaker will be speaking at 3 international conferences: San Jose, Costa Rica; Lisbon, Portugal; Galway, Ireland. Ageism can cause harm to workplace relationships, so by creating a future that is inclusive for everyone, we must support all ages of employees. Join this interactive workshop to learn more about how we can combat ageism and foster a more inclusive workplace culture.
Speaker: Shari Collins
Published in: World Congress on Education (2024)
- Date of Conference: 26-28 August, 2024
- DOI: 10.20533/WCE.2024.0009
- Electronic ISBN: 978-1-913572-71-6
- Conference Location: Churchill College, Cambridge, UK