Integrating Risk Resilience into a Postgraduate University Workload Allocation Model
This presentation develops a set of guidelines that inform a risk-resilient workload allocation model for use in the postgraduate offices of universities. It departs from the recognition that there is no one-size-fits-all template for workload allocation models and that differences need to be respected in order to gain the necessary buy-in from academics. The presentation focuses on two key riskresilience tools for utilisation in the allocation of postgraduate students to supervisors. These are a postgraduate student matrix of competencies and a supervisor matrix of competencies. When deciding how much time and effort any particular postgraduate student will require of any particular supervisor, there are three distinct yet interdependent entities that need to be considered. The first is the student, the second is the supervisor, and the third is the relationship between any specific student and supervisor. The relationship will be determined by the matrices of competencies with which each student and supervisor enter the process, and it will be unique to those two individuals. In the case of cosupervision scenarios, more complex dynamics come into play. Since pairing novice supervisors with more experienced academics is a common supervisory capacity development strategy in many South African universities, these factors will be considered in the guidelines that are proposed. No student, supervisor or supervisory relationship will demand the same level of input and any workload allocation that flattens out these differences will always already be compromised. By offering concrete ways for recognising these differences, this presentation will demonstrate how risk-resilience can be build into a university work allocation model.
Author: Jessica Murray
Published in: Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE-2024)
- Date of Conference: 2-4 April, 2024
- DOI: 10.20533/IICE.2024.0006
- ISBN: 978-1-913572-70-9
- Conference Location: Dún Laoghaire, Ireland