
The aim of this presentation is to outline the legislative and policy context for providing Inclusive Further Education and Training options and pathways for Adults that have an Intellectual Disability. It aims to examine the responsibility of the Further and Higher Education Sector to respond to the changing policy landscape, in line with legislative requirements and a Human Rights Based Approach.Disability Rights are Human Rights and every individual in Ireland has a right to an education. In primary and post primary schools, since the Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act, 2004, children have the right to be educated in a mainstream classroom with the supports the need , and for them to enjoy the full benefit of education. The age old question of mainstream or special school for people that have an intellectual disability has been answered and research supports that a resourced mainstream environment was superior to a segregated one, unless a child had more complex needs, and a continuum of school options was what parents needed, where they could chose based on the child and their individual needs. The right to education however for people that have an Intellectual Disability does not stop at childhood and the UNCRPD enshrines the right to Life Long Learning and the opportunity to attain training and vocational skills. The New Directions Policy from the HSE, further supports that people that have an intellectual disability that attend Adult Day Services should attend Further Education and Training and receive their education and training for both personal empowerment and employment in the mainstream FET/HEA Centre or within the community. The presentation also examines a pilot course being run by wwetb to see if it meets requirement as set out under the UNCRPD, Human Rights and Equality legislation, the Public Sector Duty, New Directions policy and the Assisted Decision Making Capacity Act.

Speakers: Rosalind Threadgold and Sarah Lavan

Published in: Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE-2024)

  • Date of Conference: 2-4 April, 2024
  • DOI: 10.20533/IICE.2024.0014
  • ISBN: 978-1-913572-70-9
  • Conference Location: Dún Laoghaire, Ireland