
Active learning is ever catching on because it allows students to gain knowledge, skills, and attitudes on a hands-on way, which usually provides better results and higher motivation. In this paper we present the result of a team-based activity within a course devoted to the grounds of programming. Basically, each team had to prepare a scenario composed of different logic gates, coded in Java, and eventually we organized a session bound for all teams to make pitch presentations to expose the models. After each presentation, all students had to fill in a questionnaire for peer review purposes, as well as another questionnaire at the end of the session to assess their level of motivation during the activity. Overall results proved good academic outcome for the projects exhibited, increasing performance in 11% and success rate in 10% with respect to the previous academic year, as well as high levels of motivation.

Authors: Pedro J. Roig, Salvador Alcaraz, Katja Gilly, Cristina Bernad, Carlos Juiz

Published in: Canada International Conference on Education, 2024

  • Date of Conference: 23-25 July, 2024
  • DOI: 10.20533/CICE.2024.0068
  • Electronic ISBN: 978-1-913572-65-5
  • Conference Location: Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada