
This case study demonstrated the design, implementation, and evolution of the business datafication project in an e-business course. The datafication approach was proposed to simulate an authentic business environment that allows students’ experiential learning. The university-industry collaboration was initiated to enrich the project with real data (new oil of the digital economy), real problems (business problems), and real people (the CEO of a real company). It evolved from face-to-face to pure online data-mining training, from an intra-university student group project to an inter-university business case competition. We are honored that the business datafication project has gained various recognitions, including the university innovative learning award and features in the university newsletter and mass media. The course achievements are also evident in the feedback from students, instructors, and industry partner. We take this opportunity to invite institutions across the globe to join us to bring students an authentic, boundaryless e-business learning experience.

Author: Ron Chi-Wai Kwok

Published in: Canada International Conference on Education, 2024

  • Date of Conference: 23-25 July, 2024
  • DOI: 10.20533/CICE.2024.0035
  • Electronic ISBN: 978-1-913572-65-5
  • Conference Location: Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada